Wednesday, September 19, 2007

All Those Who Oppose His Shield Must Yield

I was in a bit of funk tonight. Weird, dissolute bad mood just floating all around me. Talking with my sister and Marty helped a little bit, but it was still clinging to me. One comic, however, cut through the miasma and just made me feel good.

I generally read my comics in ascending order–meaning the ones I want to read most are the ones I read last–and lately Captain America's been going stratight to the bottom of the pile.
Ed Brubaker and his various artists have been putting together a defining run on Cap. It mixes in themes from 1970s political paranoia thrillers, makes excellent use of the current post-Civil-War Marvel Universe landscape and never forgets to give us action to cut through all the angst.

Brubaker really gets the characters and makes the motivations driving the heroes clear. The art tells the story exceptionally well and the coloring does a brilliant job of creating a moody, shifting tableau. It's getting so I don't even know if I want Steve Rogers to ever come back.

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