Friday, December 21, 2007

A for Effort

A few weeks ago, while reading another blog, I stumbled upon the fact that the Washington Post compiled a list of everything that has gotten an “A” grade over the course of 2007 in the Media Mix grid of their Sunday Source section. I’ve been writing about video games and comics for this section of the WashPost for about four years now (I think) and this seems to be the first time that they’ve done something like this.

It’s kinda jarring to look back and see what games and comics offerings I stamped with the first letter of the alphabet. For the most part, I don’t have much Reviewer’s Regret about much of these grades. Out of 52 weeks of the year, I gave out 14 A grades, give or take. (These ain’t super-reliable numbers, since some weeks MediaMix doesn’t run and other weeks I’ll do two reviews or no review.) I did go on to give Rock Band and the Captain America Omnibus A-minuses a week later, so that works out to be a little more than a third of the time. I’m sure somewhere out there someone is grading my grading. It’s what the intarwebs was made for!

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